而且,最后我还专门听了一个非SEO主题:跟Ecommerce、Dropshipping、Amazon FBA等有关,演讲人是来自英国的Sam Olawale。
1. Machine Learning for SEOs (Britney Muller)
Britney是来自Moz公司的高级SEO科学家(Senior SEO Scientist),这个职称我也是第一次听说,自从Rand Fishkin离开Moz后,感觉Moz就很少被人讨论了,在SEO工具市场,Ahrefs现在几乎所有人都在用,SEMrush也落了不少下风。
Britney首先介绍了机器学习的原理,然后提及了一些在SEO应用的场景案例,期间还show了一下让机器学习来判断这张照片(上图)里的人有65%的可能性是Rand,全场鼓掌,看得出来,大家都很怀恋Rand Fishkin啊,正如以前Glen Allsop说的:“没有Rand的Moz不是Moz!“ 最后Britney分享了一些工具供我们进一步了解。
Machine learning needs training data, get machine learning algorithms, formulate the model, test data, and then can be used for prediction.
Supervised vs unsupervised machine learning.
Writing SEO meta description is boring, let machine do it — just input the URL and the machine will auto writes the meta descriptions.
Remember, Google is also applying machine learning in SERPs, auto-generated meta descriptions are good examples.
ML can be used in podcast transcription. For example, Britney only spent 30 cents to transcribe a 90-minute podcast using Amazon Transcribe (automatic speech recognition). Just download the podcast as a MP3 file then create transcription job in Amazon Transcribe.
ML can also be used to do keyword research and many other SEO aspects.
Tools & Resources:
- Google Codelabs
- Google Machine Learning courses
- TensorFlow
- Kaggle
2. What I learned from 8 large data studies with partners Ahrefs, Moz, BuzzSummo, and SEMrush (Eric Van Buskirk)
结果也没有让人失望,接近一个小时的时间里,Eric分享了很多有价值的数据,及其对应的SEO结论,让我吃惊的是,原来Brian Dean的这篇博客《We Analyzed 1 Million Google Search Results. Here’s What We Learned About SEO》里的所有数据就是Eric团队弄的。
而且,你猜猜Brian Dean为了这份数据报告花了多少钱?具体我也不知道,但Eric说:等于他们团队3个月的工资!!惊到了没有?
Eric uses 90% of Ahrefs (vs. 10% SEMrush)
62% of articles have a number in title (2016 data analysis)
2-word phrase: can you, do you, can I, how to, etc. is quite popular (user query pattern)
Page speed matters a lot if you want to rank in top 3 results in SERP.
Free site speed measurement tool:
First-byte is super important
How to improve your TTFB
- Use a CDN
- Optimize database queries
- Reduce HTTP requests
- Ensure fast server response time
Branded keywords takeaway: Brands are 2X more valuable in Paid vs. Organic.
Opportunity: rank on indirect competitor brand keywords
- Write a review article or blog piece about them.
- Giveaways of their of their products or coupons.
Target incorrect brand names (maybe competitors) using paid search and get cheap quality traffic.
Google Hummingbird algorithm affects 90% of all search results.
Silos vs. thorough content tired together across websites.
Analyzed website pages using software from
How long does it generally take to rank on the top page of Google? Appx. 3 months.
Local SEO: restaurant is the most searched category.
Moz correlation is better than other SEO tools in certain area.
Be VERY careful using GKP for understanding organic search!
Using Related keywords instead of topics with degrees of relatedness.
Google is becoming way smarter, look at Google Translate
3. Developing actionable SEO Audits that maximize growth (Aleyda Solis)
Aleyda是国际化SEO(International SEO)方面的专家,在美国读书时,就知道了她,Search Engine Land专栏作家,Moz客座博客常客,SEX等行业大会更是家常便饭,Twitter粉丝近60K。
今天她讲的主题跟SEO Audit有关,非常系统而且深入,当时听她的演讲的时候,突然回想起了我在硅谷Digital Agency工作的那段岁月,要是当时学习了这个PPT里的内容,我的工作一定会变得更加得心应手,可能就不会发生当年那“造孽”的往事了(故事一)。
另外,这个PPT更适合做企业服务的SEO人用,如果你是内容站长或是独立站SEO,也建议看一下,学习一下SEO Audit的流程。
4. Conscious SEO for content creators: How SEO upgrades will accelerate your rankings and organic traffic (Viola Eva)
Viola是本次DMSS大会的组织兼负责人,她和Brie共同运营了一家Digital Agency,今天她分享的SEO主题偏基础,比较适合初学者。
个人认为,她的某些观点和结论有待争议,比如:我觉得她把Silo Structure和Internal Linking的威力过分夸大了,还有,某些外链获取策略其实并非她讲的那么简单,实践出真知。
The #1 way to find keywords to improve is to look for Ahrefs organic search.
Do more what works!
One keyword cluster per page, use LSI words to increase topic keyword relevancy.
Find targeted keywords (Ahrefs, AnswerTheRepublic, UberSuggest)
Optimize articles ranking 4-10 first, because they show Google loves those pages, many times simple SEO tweaks could easily rank the keywords to top 3.
Rewrite page titles and meta descriptions and make them sexy.
Internal linking best practices: one link to homepage, parental page, related pages, and target keyword pages.
Breathe, feel inside, observe. Publish shareable content. Don’t forget measurements.
5. 8 Figure Brand Building and E-commerce Scaling (Sam Olawale)
10 STEP BLUEPRINT: How To Build & Scale Multiple 8 Figure E-Commerce Brands
8 Figure,就是年收入千万美金以上(8位数),一个人能做到么?当然,我虽不是电商的专业人士,但Sam的分享确实很扎实,上台就说I don’t talk things I don’t know.
从经济的角度看:是SEO人赚的更多还是电商人?这里的电商人,不管你是做Drop shipping, Amazon FBA还是独立站卖货,都算。
他告诉我了这些数字,第一个品牌现在一年的revenue差不多80万美金,纯利润率(profit margin)大概25%,粗估一下,一年能挣20万美金。
然后,给两个人同样的挑战,一样的启动资金,SEO人建站做内容,以常见的affiliate和广告变现;而电商人,研究选品,建立品牌,以Facebook Ads为主要流量入口卖货。给两个人一样的时间,3年后按照利润来决定胜负。
- Dropshipping?
- Selling on Amazon?
- Doing Ecommerce?
Shark Tank
10 Steps Brand Building Framework
- Research niches you’re interested in
- Test and validate your product ideas
- Develop products that sell like crazy
- Build a super targeted email list and FB Group
- Create high quality content to engage with your lists
- Crowdfund your flagship product and brand
- Manufacture, fulfill and over-deliver
- Aggressively scale into ecommerce
- Get feedback from audience
- Launch another product
It may take you 4-6 months to launch a product.
Why crowdfunding first? Get the initial brand exposure!
Selling products vs building a brand
Make better products
- More aesthetically (pleasing)
- Make it easier/simpler to use
- Improve functions
- Etc.
Pricing: ideal $60-$300
Facebook Audience Insights: find your target audience
Competition Analysis: benchmarking
Build a community
- Build a email list, FB group
- The number of people subscribe you on social media doesn’t make sense
Planning your pre-launch: core team of 2-4 people
- KickStarter (majority of traffic)
- Indiegogo
- Do not run competition
Crafting Your Message & Story: Focus on benefits NOT features
Build a funnel: launch email sequence
Tell the mission behind your brand, not only just the benefits of your products
Switching over to Ecommerce: Increase CTR and conversion rate
Ecommerce for brand building: upgrade your content (ebooks on How tos, free tips; discount coupon pop-ups, blogs that pre-sell your product & handle)
Ask for feedback (surveys) and put target audience in the right segments
Crowdfunding is the gateway drug you’ll be addicted to.
Launch – build – scale – repeat (in 3-5 years, your sky won’t be limited)
If you someone copies you, be flattered rather than worried.
China shipping to International market is actually fast, use premium shipping.
Research > Niche > Brand > Product
Correct philosophy + Plan + Hard Work = Results
最后,来张巴厘岛的夜景,Enjoy 🙂