只有来自网站交易平台FE International的Thomas Smale做了一个英文演讲,我觉得价值很高。会后,我找Thomas要PPT,他答应了(目前尚未收到),感兴趣的,给我发送邮件([email protected]),我到时会分享给你。
明天还有漫长的一天,嘉宾和演讲会更多,包括Matt Diggity, Eric Van Buskirk等,我和Luke已经商量好,到时“分工协作”。他负责早上7点到12点的笔记,我负责下午的,哈哈,偷点懒,早起对我来说真的太难。
社媒,Facebook占据半壁江山,其次是YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, Ins, Tumblr。
毕竟我们搞Google SEO,只要越南人有这类采购需求,我们可以供货,谷歌便是他们找到我们的渠道,应该妥妥的。
今天参会,绝大部分是越南人,他们讲Google SEO, YouTube SEO, 广告投放,我通过同声翻译,就切身感受到这个市场在越南的受欢迎程度。
毕竟,他们每天使用的就是Google, Facebook等海外流行,只是语言不一样,所以,比起我们,他们更有“地利”。
并不是说我们中国的BAT生态不好,只是我们的大部分营销者生活在微信和阿里的环境里,做着所谓的“高端”海外营销,自己都不太用Facebook和Google,却教自己人怎么做Facebook and Google marketing。。稍微哪里有点不对,哈哈。
1. 既前天在机场偶遇Clickstream的创始人Eric Van Buskirk后,今天又在会场遇到一个老朋友:Tung Tran!
2. 跟大会组织者 Diep Nguyen 简单的聊了几句,感觉他举办这次大会的目的,跟我们的Shenzhen SEO Conference有点像(看下面的Notes)。
3. 后来遇到了FE International团队,FE跟之前我经常提到的EmpireFlippers(简称EF),是直接竞争对手,都是网络交易平台。
而且,让我很欣喜的是,其创始人Thomas和Nick跟AuthorityHacker的Gael & Mark也很熟,于是我们很自然的聊得很来。
4. 当然了,在海外遇到自己人Fred和他的同伴,都是英文SEO实战派的读者,就更开心了,今天忘了合照,明天有空补上。
Diep Nguyen: Keynote
- Why this conference
- Learn and share
- Be more social and open-minded
- Build a more global community
Bui Quang Thinh Tu (UAN Community): Career Path for SEO and Digital Marketers
- Full stack marketer: stack means a set of skills
- His early days in SEO: built a site, uploaded movies, optimized to rank on Google, earned a few thousand USD per month
- Worked in Lazada: need to have a bigger picture of digital marketing, not just limited himself to SEO or any single digital channel.
- Sales techniques are important for digital agencies or corporations.
- Surface, Deep, Master (spend 10,000 hours to be an expert)
- T-Shaped Career Path: https://sparktoro.com/blog/the-t-shaped-web-marketer/
Mr. Ta Huong Quynh: AI – The Future of Marketing
- Facebook and Google are using auto-bidding algorithms
- Privacy is the future
- Have to face ROI every single day
- Target the right person, right message, right time
Le Quang Dung: Facebook SEO
- Optimize fan page URL
- Name, Images, and avatar must be consistent
- Content and keywords
Thomas Smale: A Winning Exit: 5 Lessons from over 700 Websites Sales
- Know what buyers want
- 40K buyers on FE International, mostly in USA
- What do you want to achieve
- Buy a house
- Travel the world
- Spend time with family
- Test different things
- Test links, content, keywords
- Do more of what works
- Track everything
this is helpful to buyers
- Build sustainable things
- Use evergreen keywords
- Always grow traffic
- Keep writing content
- Create consistent cash flow
- Get visitors coming back
- Don’t use a PBN
- Focus on what is making money
- Choose the right time to sell
- Sell while you are still growing
- Exit at the right time
- Take emotions out
- What’s it worth?
- Content: 2-4x annual SDE
- E-commerce: 2-4x annual SDE
- SaaS: 3-6x annual SDE
Dinh Tinh (Leadgle SEO): YouTube SEO
- Title, des, keywords, tags, etc.
- Interaction: comments, likes
- Social: share it out
- Video resolution: high
- Use local languages that your target audiences speak
- Video embeds on web pages that’s relevant
Trinh Thanh (SEVA SEO): Ranking Factor All You Need
- Content
- Search intent
- Structure the content: silo
- Link to each other in the same/similar groups
- Get backlinks from relevant sites
- Don’t stuff keywords
- User Signals
- Time on site
- Bounce rate
- Technical
- Https
- Page speed
- Mobile friendly
- User Experience
- Number of internal links
- Add images to the content, together with text
- Font site
- Fewer Adlinks/Adsense
- Flash
- Watch time of videos
- Social signals (all going down)
- Tweets
- Important:
- Deep content
- Backlinks (belongs to social signals)
- Traffic
Well done!
Content: 2-4x annual SDE
E-commerce: 2-4x annual SDE
SaaS: 3-6x annual SDE
“SDE”是什么意思呢 ? 域名年龄?
SaaS 是指卖软件授权码这类网站吗?
SDE – seller discretionary earnings(source), 就是你网站的净利润(收入-成本)。
SaaS(Software as a Service),以前特指软件,但现在也包含网络工具,比如:一个pdf to world的在线转换器,也算是SaaS。
I have mail to you and want to get the PPT version,thanks