英文SEO实战派邮件订阅(SEO Action Bites)第一期




不久前,我说过会不定期跟大家分享最新的Google SEO新闻、SEOAction最新博文、及我最近读过的那些好文章,并把这些第一时间发送到你的邮箱。




然而,周一早上打开电脑,收到了一封来自MailChimp的邮件,说我的账号被自动检测到spam了。。悲剧 🙁



索性,趁着本周没过(不然Newsletter变成Oldsletter),就把SEO Action Bites第一期的邮件内容分享给大家吧。

不出意外,第二期应该会通过邮件形式发送给订阅的读者,如果MailChimp不喜欢我,That’s Okay,到时换个服务商,顺便吐槽一下MailChimp的客服质量。



————- 我是分割线(以下是首期内容) ————-



这是SEO Action Bites的第一期更新,有心的同学留个纪念,哈哈,感谢你订阅这个newsletter!

为什么叫SEO Action Bites?

Idea来自于美国一位知名的网络营销者Sugarrae,我很喜欢读她的Sugarrae Sound Bites,也是很多国外SEO人必读的newsletter之一,我觉得Bite这个词很贴切,一口吃不成胖子!不管学习什么,每天只要进步哪怕一点点,日积月累,你就能成为一个行业的专家。

SEO和Content Marketing也一样,不仅要多读多看,更要实践,这也是为什么我把博客取名为SEOActionBlog的原因,希望我这个小小的newsletter能为国内的英文SEO爱好者与从业者们提供一点有价值的讯息。


1. The Google Speed Update: Page speed will become a ranking factor in mobile search 

“Google today announced a new ranking algorithm designed for mobile search. The company is calling it the “Speed Update,” and it will only impact a small percentage of queries, Google reiterated to us. Only pages that “deliver the slowest experience to users” will be impacted by this update, the company says. The update goes live in July 2018, so webmasters have time to prepare their webpages.” 



2. Why Google AdWords’ Keyword Volume Numbers Are Wildly Unreliable – Whiteboard Friday

  • AdWords’ “range” is so broad, it’s nearly useless;
  • AdWords doesn’t line up to reality, or even Google Trends!
  • AdWords conflates and combines keywords that don’t share search intent or volume.
  • AdWords will hide relevant keyword suggestions if they don’t believe there’s a strong commercial intent


记得上次在清迈SEO大会上,Ahrefs的首席营销官Tim Soulo就说过Google给的数据不可信,这次Rand Fishkin也吐槽了一番。其实,对于老SEO人,这已经是open secret了,我不用Google Keywords Planner很多年了(应该是2014年开始),那该用什么关键词研究工具呢?Rand在文章中列举了几个,我再加一个:直觉!对,凭你对你行业的了解程度,一个关键词值不值得你去追逐,有时不用工具也行,真的。

3. Facebook Makes Major Changes to the News Feed: Here’s How It Will Impact Your Business 

“Mark Zuckerberg, champion of the decades-old prom picture, the neighborly squabble, the adorable baby pictures, announced yesterday that the Facebook News Feed is about to undergo a fundamental shift. Because ‘passively reading articles or watching videos’ is bad for human beings, Facebook is pivoting its core away from its current state (inescapable time suck) and towards becoming a platform that helps users have “more meaningful social interactions.” Great for humans, bad for (most) brands.” 


一周前就关注这个了,消息一出,Facebook当天股价下降5%,我虽不是Facebook Marketing的高手,但依稀感觉2018及以后依靠FB薅羊毛不会像以前那么容易了,不知道玩Facebook + Dropshipping的伙伴们会不会受影响?。。企业营销者赚了,用户就怒了,看来小扎还是很爱Facebook用户的,不过,就看他能不能在用户和投资者之间找到平衡,一方要更好的产品体验,一方要更快的收益速度,这本身就是一道无解题嘛。P.S. Facebook韭菜不好割了,回归SEO的人应该会增加一点,好事:)

4. #FakeLinks: This Is the Future of Link Building 

“I’m writing this article to help people understand why they’re now receiving emails full of praise, more interview requests than ever before, and congratulations for winning awards, rather than asking them to publish pre-written content.” 


Glen Allsop一直是我比较敬重的SEO人,挺有道德的,虽然他曾cover过10Beasts,但文章还是一贯的高质量,比如这篇,提到了行业里存在一种不道德的外链建设策略(Authority Hacker之前介绍过这种策略),Google也拿这个没办法,但不得不引发人性的思考,为了一条Google所谓的dofollow链接,SEO人真的有必要这么干么?反正我是不会的。

5. Evaluation of Speech for the Google Assistant 

“How do we ensure that we consistently meet user expectations on quality, across all answer types and languages? One of the tools we use to measure that are human evaluations. In these, we ask raters to make sure that answers are satisfactory across several dimensions” 


Google雇人去review搜索结果页面质量已经不是新闻了,有空Google一下”Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines 2017″看看那个PDF文档。语音搜索会是2018的趋势之一,Google为了让语音搜索爱好者更happy,当然会努力提高搜索结果质量,既然机器没法完美解决,那就人工喽。。P.S. 你用”Ok Google“去搜索么?我是不习惯的。

6. A Google Algorithm Update On 12/15/17 Is Impacting Some Official Celebrity Websites (Updated)

“I initially noticed several celebrities were impacted, including John Lennon, Lebron James, Kristen Stewart, and Charlie Sheen. I also noticed some strange things going on rankings-wise with the official website for Miley Cyrus a few months back, and that seemed to calm down, but she might be experiencing some issues again.” 


2017年12月中旬Google推出了Maccabees更新,打击为了迎合搜索引擎而非用户需要的低质量关键词文章页面,其实,不仅诸多niche站受惩罚,很多美国明星的个人网站也出现了大幅度排名下滑,最著名的要数John Lennon,首页只有几张图片,我喜欢篮球和NBA,发现Lebron James的网站也在内;不过,并非所有明星的个人站都受影响,比如Katy Perry。Google已经知道了这一事件,具体原因尚不清楚,但我的一点感觉:Google算法更新不会顾及你是否是明星,大家一视同仁,没内容、用户停留时间短的网站经过RankBrain处理,SEO排名依然不会好。

7. 最近的中文Google SEO博客文章


好了,SEO Action Bites首期的内容就是这个了,你怎么看?觉得有用吗?有什么改进建议?


– John

《英文SEO实战派邮件订阅(SEO Action Bites)第一期》有9条评论

  1. 能把2017年最新版的谷歌搜索质量评分指南翻译成中文那就最好了,:)

  2. Hello, John, why does your blog has no update for so long time, I am so sad. I love your site and content, I came to your site everyday.

  3. 虽然看不太懂,但让自己呆在学习区促进一下也不错。2018小目标吧!


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